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What You Need to Know about the COVID Leave Law

Governor Charlie Baker last week signed legislation that established a Massachusetts COVID-19 emergency paid sick leave program. The…

Income Surtax Would Be Grave Mistake for Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Legislature has scheduled a vote Wednesday to advance a massive income surtax on thousands of small…

Bringing People Back into the Workforce

As the Massachusetts economy re-opens, employers across all sectors are struggling to fill job openings. The problem is a national one…

Massachusetts Reinstates Work-Search Requirement for Unemployment

Massachusetts next month will reinstate the requirement that people who collect unemployment benefits must actively search for a…

State to Lift COVID Business Restrictions on May 29

Massachusetts will remove all pandemic-related business restrictions on the Saturday before Memorial Day, effectively ending a 14-month state…

Commerce Secretary: Infrastructure Plan Will Boost Competitiveness

The Biden Administration’s proposed $2 trillion American Jobs Plan will make historic investments in roads, bridges, broadband internet…

Employers May Now Arrange Vaccines for Workers

The Baker Administration announced today that Massachusetts employers may now arrange COVID-19 vaccines for their workers by either booking dedicated slots at…

AIM Elects Five New Directors; Re-Elects 17

Members of the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) ratified the election of five new directors and the re-election…

State Updates Key Dates for Tax-Relief Programs

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) today announced changes to the administrative tax relief provided to certain businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  …