Our Advocacy Approach

The financial stability of our state and local governments is threatened as health costs crowd out important priorities such as education, public safety, the judiciary, and transportation.  Massachusetts must decrease health-care costs so that the commonwealth no longer has the highest per-capita healthcare expenditures in the country.  The road to cost reduction will involve addressing the excessive market power held by certain large providers and giving consumers better information upon which to make healthcare decisions.

Sarah Mills
Vice President of Government Affairs


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Policy Watch

Limiting the Growth of Medical Spending

Control the cost of health care and health insurance by limiting the growth of medical spending to the state’s 3.6 percent benchmark.

Stopping Expensive Health-Insurance Mandates

Impose a moratorium on new health care mandates and by repealing the so-called “fifty-plus” report.

Requiring Premium-Impact Statements

Control the cost of health insurance by requiring that, prior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any healthcare or health-insurance-related regulation, an agency must file with the Secretary of State a public notice of the proposed action and include a premium-impact statement. Mandate that any agency considering such adoption, amendment, or repeal hold a hearing to allow the public to present data, views, or arguments relative to the agency’s premium-impact statement and, prior to adopting the proposed regulation, the agency file an amended premium-impact statement with the Secretary of State.