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Archived: Panama Canal Expansion Will Benefit Port of Boston

Editor’s note – Kristen Rupert is Executive Director of the AIM International Business Council.

Archived: AIM Announces Human Resource Alliances

Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) announced today that it has entered into alliances with two prominent human-resources organizations…

Archived: Uncertainty Weakens Business Confidence

A month of economic uncertainty punctuated by weak US job growth and the United Kingdom’s impending exit from…

Archived: Manufacturing Month Shows the Future of Industry

What’s the best way to remind Massachusetts residents that manufacturing is alive and well in the Bay State?

Archived: House Non-Compete Bill Seeks Middle Ground

The Massachusetts House of Representatives voted 149-0 Thursday to approve compromise legislation governing the use of non-compete agreements.

Archived: Senate Advances Energy Bill

The Senate passedan  energy bill last week that would require utility companies to buy almost half of the…

Archived: AIM Establishes Next Century Scholarship at UMass Boston

The University of Massachusetts Boston and Associated Industries of Massachusetts, Inc. (AIM) have signed a memorandum of understanding…

Archived: Second Grant to AIM Will Allow Companies to Train Supervisors at No Cost

AIM for the second year in a row has been awarded a $200,000 state grant that will allow…

Archived: Employers Plan Modest Wage Growth, Despite Pressures

An acute shortage of skilled workers, a state economy near full employment and an increase in the minimum…

Archived: Will You Be Able to Sell Your Business?

Editor’s Note – Ken Sanginario is the founder of Corporate Value Metrics, and developer of the Value Opportunity…

Archived: AIM Creates Sustainability Award

Associated Industries of Massachusetts announced today the establishment of the AIM Sustainability Award recognizing companies for excellence in…

Archived: Employer Confidence Surges in May

Confidence among Massachusetts employers rose to a 10-month high during May as the state approached full employment despite…

Archived: Do Employers Respond to Online Comments?

A majority of AIM member employers choose not to respond to comments made about their companies on social…

Archived: Sustainable Practices and Your Suppliers

Editor’s Note ” Matthew Gardner, Ph.D., is Managing Partner of Sustainserv. He will serve as moderator of the…

Archived: AIM Chairman Urges Employers to Engage with Political System

Associated Industries of Massachusetts Chairman Dan Kenary, Co-Founder and CEO of the Harpoon Brewery in Boston, is calling…

Archived: Beacon Hill Energy Bill Won’t Lower Electric Bills

Those expecting the long-awaited Beacon Hill omnibus energy bill to lower the state’s highest-in-the-nation electricity costs will be…

Archived: Video Blog | Speaker DeLeo Talks Energy, Economic Development

House Speaker Robert DeLeo touched on energy costs, work force training and economic development during his keynote address…

Archived: AIM Vision Award | BU Researcher Changes Discussion on Brain Injuries

AIM last week presented the first-ever Vision Awards, which honor the accomplishments of companies and individuals who have…

Archived: AIM Vision AwardNuance Communications, Technology Whisperer

AIM last week presented the first-ever Vision Awards, which honor the accomplishments of companies and individuals who have…

Archived: New Non-Compete Bill: Progress, But Issues Remain

The Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development on Monday released a non-compete reform bill containing…

Archived: New Overtime Rules Will Challenge Employers

The U.S. Department of Labor will issue a final rule today that will soon make more than four…