Employers Have Short Window to Challenge Unemployment Charges

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New Survey Underscores Fragile Nature of Massachusetts Economy

A new Associated Industries of Massachusetts survey of Massachusetts employers tells the story of businesses in the state…

Governor Unveils Budget with No Tax Increase

Governor Charlie Baker today unveiled a $45.5 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2021 that balances the state’s books…

Massachusetts Businesses Need Support – Not New Taxes

Massachusetts policymakers face a stark choice as the Commonwealth struggles through the eighth month of the COVID-19 pandemic…

Employers Have Short Window to Challenge Unemployment Charges

Associated Industries of Massachusetts today alerted members to keep an eye out for their unemployment benefit charge statements…

Legislature Set to Negotiate Key Issues during Extended Session

The Massachusetts Legislature will attempt to reach consensus on multiple issues affecting employers – from health care to…

Next Stimulus Must Stabilize Unemployment Insurance System

The new economic stimulus bill being discussed by Congress and the White House must provide money to shore…

Employer Confidence Rises in June

Business confidence continued to rebound during June as Massachusetts methodically re-opened its economy and COVID-19 cases surged elsewhere…

Re-Opening Plan an Encouraging First Step

Associated Industries of Massachusetts said today that Governor Charlie Baker’s four-phase plan marks an encouraging first step to…

Closure of Non-Essential Businesses Extended Until May 18

Governor Charlie Baker today extended until May 18 the order requiring non-essential Massachusetts businesses to close their physical…

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