Breaktime is a Boston-based nonprofit
Working to end young adult homelessness through purposeful transitional employment and financial empowerment.
Empowering homeless young adults to build sustainable livelihoods
In April 2020, Breaktime launched the Double Impact Initiative to serve two purposes: create purposeful transitional employment opportunities for young adults experiencing homelessness and strengthen communities hit hard by the pandemic.
COVID-19 exacerbated food insecurity, leaving 1 in 8 Massachusetts residents to be food insecure. Breaktime stuck to its core mission of ending young adult homelessness by employing young adults experiencing homelessness to prepare nutritious meals each day for vulnerable populations throughout Greater Boston.
Already this initiative has created purposeful transitional employment for 25 young adults experiencing homelessness, who have earned $100,000+ in wages while preparing 50,000 nutritious and distributing 500,000 lbs of groceries for Bostonians in need!
End Young Adult Homelessness
Hundreds of thousands of Americans wake up each day uncertain where they will sleep next, uncertain when their next meal will be, and uncertain if they’ll access the help and resources they need to transition out of homelessness anytime soon.
Breaktime’s core mission is to end young adult homelessness and empower individuals to reach for their dreams. Young adults working at Breaktime through this pandemic have highlighted the power and potential of young people as they are ensuring our communities’ most vulnerable are being taken care of and fed.
Learn MoreFood Insecurity
Served Over 50K Meals & Distributed 500,000lbs of Groceries
During the pandemic, we saw a steep increase in food insecurity as Feeding America had projected 50.4 million Americans to be food insecure by year’s end.
In Eastern Massachusetts specifically, 1 in every 8 people was experiencing food insecurity.
Breaktime works hard to put nutritious meals and grocery bundles into communities hit hardest by the pandemic. To date, Breaktime has served over 50,000 meals and distributed 500,000lbs of groceries!
Creating Social Change