Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) represents 3,500 diverse businesses throughout the Commonwealth from 150 industries. One of the roles of AIM is to take complex issues that could impact our employer members and make them understandable and provide direction that could be useful.
AIM is an organization that represents businesses across Massachusetts and focuses on pathways to economic prosperity for all. Women make up almost 60 percent of the Massachusetts workforce, and in recent years we’ve seen how their retreat from the workplace has had negative impacts for the economy. We know the issues addressed in this ruling trigger strong emotions for many and, thus, it is not something we enter into lightly; but AIM has been clear in its support for women’s equality on every front. We are concerned that as result of this action, many women will suffer negative economic consequences.
At AIM we will continue our efforts to support employers and employees in responding to issues such as this. Women are vital to our economy and our society; and AIM stands committed to our efforts to protect equality for all.